Candida – Rockwall Wellness Spa
CANDIDA refers to a genus of yeast fungi that can naturally be found in the human body, especially in the mouth, digestive tract, and skin, without causing any harm. However, candida overgrowth, particularly Candida albicans (the most common form of yeast) can lead to infections known as candidiasis. This condition can occur in various parts of the body, causing oral thrush, genital yeast infections, and skin infections. It plays a role in nutrient absorption and helps with digestion when it is in proper balance with other microorganisms in the body. Candidiasis is often treated with antifungal medicine and/or natural supplements such as a combination of Probiotics and Glutamine, depending on your special needs.
CANDIDA overgrowth can manifest in various ways, and the symptoms can vary based on the type of infection and the location affected. For instance:
DIGESTIVE ISSUES: Candida overgrowth in the gut can lead to digestive problems such as bloating, gas, constipation, or diarrhea. Some individuals experience irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)- like symptoms.
FATIGUE: Chronic fatigue and low energy levels are common symptoms reported by individuals with. Candida overgrowth. The body’s energy resources might be drained due to the immune system’s efforts to fight the infection.
JOINT AND MUSCLE PAIN: Candida overgrowth has been linked to joint and muscle pain, which is often described as similar to fibromyalgia.
URINARY TRACT INFECTIONS: Candida can cause urinary tract infections, leading to symptoms like pain or burning during urination and frequent urges to urinate.
RECURRENT VAGINAL INFECTIONS: Women with Candida overgrowth might experience recurrent vaginal yeast infections characterized by itching, burning, and abnormal discharge.
ORAL ISSUES: Apart from oral thrush, Candida overgrowth can cause bad breath, a coated tongue, and a persistent metallic taste in the mouth.
SKIN PROBLEMS: In addition to localized skin infections, Candida overgrowth can lead to eczema, psoriasis, or persistent fungal infections of the skin and nails.
MOOD SWINGS: Some individuals with Candida overgrowth report mood swings, anxiety, and depression. The connection between Candida overgrowth and mental health is an ongoing area of research.
SUGAR CRAVINGS: Candida feeds on sugar, and individuals with overgrowth might experience intense cravings for sugary foods and beverages.
SINUS INFECTION: Chronic sinus issues, including congestion, post-nasal drip, and sinus infections, can sometimes be linked to Candida overgrowth.

Candida – Rockwall Wellness Spa
CANDIDA is naturally present in the human body, and under normal circumstances it doesn’t cause any issues. However, certain factors can lead to an overgrowth and result in Candidiasis. These factors include:
WEAKENED IMMUNE SYSTEM: A weakened immune system due to HIV/AIDS or any other chronic illness can make the body more susceptible to candida overgrowth.
CERTAIN PHARMACEUTICALS: Antibiotics can disrupt the balance of good and bad bacteria in the body, allowing Candida to multiply and cause an infection. Medications like corticosteroids or chemotherapy, can make the body more susceptible to candida overgrowth, as well.
DIABETES: Poorly controlled diabetes can create an environment in the body that is favorable for candida overgrowth.
PREGNANCY: Pregnant women are more prone to yeast infections due to hormonal changes.
POOR DIETS: Diets high in sugar and refined carbohydrates can promote Candida overgrowth.
OBESITY: Being overweight can create skin folds where Candida can thrive, leading to skin infections.
The treatment for Candida overgrowth (candidiasis) typically involves antifungal medications such as Nystatin or Fluconazole. These medications help eliminate excess Candida fungi in the body. For localized infections, antifungal creams or ointments can be applied to the area. Certain lifestyle changes are essential.
This may include managing your diabetes, discontinuing or changing antibiotics (under medical supervision), and reducing stress. Tight fitting clothes around the vaginal area can be a problem as well. Try looser fitting clothes. Some people find relief eating a Candida diet, which involves avoiding sugars, refined carbohydrates, and yeast containing foods. Probiotics can help restore the balance of gut flora, as well as l-Glutamine and gut healing herbs such as ginger, chamomile, cinnamon, oregano, and berberine. For skin infections, keeping the infected area clean and dry is important.
For a list of more recommendations call or come in and we’ll be happy to work with you. Always discuss with your doctor any changes made to diet and supplements to make sure they fit your individual needs.
DIAGNOSIS: Healthcare providers diagnose Candida infections based on symptoms, physical examination, and sometimes by taking a urine sample, depending on where you’re having symptoms. Blood tests may be conducted in cases of systemic Candidiasis. Swabbing the throat will determine oral Candidiasis. Visit your doctor for an accurate diagnosis.

Candida – Rockwall Wellness Spa
Conclusion: Candida
Candida overgrowth, though a natural part of the body, can lead to infections with various symptoms. Understanding the causes and symptoms is crucial for effective management and prevention. Always consult with healthcare providers for a proper diagnosis and tailored treatment plan.
Give us a call at Rockwall Complete Wellness at (972) 771-8900 today to get started on a happier, healthier you!